1.清华大学电机工程与应用电子技术系,北京市100084;2.清华四川能源互联网研究院,四川省成都市 610213;3.国网北京市电力公司,北京市 100031
电力碳表系统是实现实时、精准用电碳计量的重要载体。随着“碳达峰·碳中和”目标的推进,对电力碳表计量准确性和连续性的要求愈发严格,仅靠独立碳表系统难以应对越来越高的要求,亟须探索备用碳表系统的优化配置方法。文中根据电力碳计量具有“牵一发而动全身”的特性和用电碳计量与电力潮流间的强耦合关系,提出了一套备用碳表系统优化配置方法。该方法采用分步优化的方式。首先,在保证碳表系统能够完整计量电力系统全量碳信息的前提下,提出了以配置成本最低为目标的最优备用碳表装置数量确定方法。然后,以最小化备用碳表系统计量误差为目标,提出了备用碳表装置优化布点方法。最后,基于PJM 5节点系统和中国某地市实际电力系统的运行数据开展算例仿真。仿真结果表明,该方法能够在保证电力系统完整碳排放信息计量的前提下,以最小的备用碳表系统配置成本,实现不超过0.2%的碳排放计量误差。
1.Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing100084, China;2.Sichuan Energy Internet Research Institute Tsinghua University, Chengdu610213, China;3.State Grid Beijing Electric Power Company, Beijing100031, China
The electric carbon meter system is an important carrier for realizing real-time and accurate electric carbon measurement. With the advancement of the goal of carbon emission peak and carbon neutrality, the requirements for the accuracy and continuity of measurement by electric carbon meter become increasingly stringent. It will be difficult to cope with the increasing requirements relying on an independent carbon meter system, and it is urgent to explore the optimal configuration method for the backup carbon meter system. Considering the characteristics of “one hair affecting the whole body” of the electric carbon measurement and the strong coupling relationship between the electric carbon measurement and the power flow, this paper proposes an optimal configuration method of the backup carbon meter system. The method is conducted in a stepwise optimization manner. Firstly, to ensure that the carbon meter system can measure the full carbon information of the power system, this paper proposes an optimization method to determine the number of spare carbon meter devices with the lowest configuration cost. Then, with the aim of minimizing the measurement error of the backup carbon meter system, this paper proposes a method of optimizing the distribution of the backup carbon meter device. Finally, the simulation test is carried out based on the PJM 5-bus system and the actual power system data of a certain city in China. The results show that the proposed method can achieve a carbon emission measurement error of less than 0.2% with the minimum configuration cost of the backup carbon meter system, with the premise of ensuring the complete carbon emission information measurement of the power system.
[1] | 郭魁星,李姚旺,何晓宜,等.面向用电碳计量的备用碳表系统优化配置方法[J/OL].电力系统自动化,http://doi. org/10.7500/AEPS20240613008. GUO Kuixing, LI Yaowang, HE Xiaoyi, et al. Optimal Configuration Method for Backup Carbon Meter System for Carbon Measurement of Electricity Consumption[J/OL]. Automation of Electric Power Systems, http://doi. org/10.7500/AEPS20240613008. |